Compost Basics You Need Right Now

Composting is a low-cost, easy, and natural process that turns your waste into nutrient-rich food for our planet. Learn about the what, why, and how below.
What is Compost?
Compost is decomposed organic matter that has been broken down through a process called composting. When mixed together in a compost pile, organic materials break down naturally and produce a nutrient-rich fertilizer.
The rule: almost anything that comes from the ground can be composted. Fruit and vegetable scraps, seeds and pits, grains and pasta, coffee grounds and filters, spices and herbs, nuts and eggshells, leaves and grass clippings, straw and hay – they’re all compostable. But some things – mostly animal products including meat, dairy, and fish – are best left out of your
compost pile.
Why Compost?
Composting reduces landfill waste. minimizes harmful methane emissions into the atmosphere, and lowers carbon footprint. It’s nature’s way of recycling. Adding compost to gardens enriches the soil with nutrients that improve plant and vegetable growth by increasing their ability to withstand common soil diseases. It can even enhance flavor and nutrition! In other words, composting saves our planet and upgrades your garden.
How to Compost?
There’s no one way to compost!
Start with a container. You can create a free-standing pile, buy a compost bin or build your own out of wood and mesh fencing.
Next, choose your ingredients. Don’t forget the rule: almost anything that comes from the ground can be composted. Start by layering organic materials. Keep an overall ratio of 3 parts brown to 1 part green. “Browns” are carbon-rich materials that come from trees like straw and newspapers. “Greens” are nitrogen-rich ingredients like kitchen waste and grass clippings. Sprinkle in some topsoil and even some organic fertiliser. This will add nitrogen and help speed up the decomposition process.
Make sure your compost has air and water. Keep the compost moist and ventilated and the process moving by stirring the pile every so often. Depending on the size of your compost pile and the ingredients, the process can take between three months to two years. When compost is finished, it should have an earthy-smell and look like brown soil.